The Pantry Foodbank

We want to Create Community in our villages, and respond to anyone in need. So we have a foodbank called the Pantry, which holds a supply of food which we can provide to anyone who wants help of that kind. We often wonder if there are people who are missing out who might really benefit from what we can supply, even just as a one-off stopgap, so please please get in touch if that is you, or pass the message on. We recognise that things might have got a lot harder for some people over the last 9 months or so and we want to help where we can.
We have collection boxes in the church porches, and at the hall, so you can donate something if you like. Sometimes you are so generous that we end up with a bit more than we need, and we take the surplus up to Norwich foodbank to benefit people in the wider area. So thank you all so much for that.