Rob's message for April

Let it not be said that life is not full of surprises, and that we can’t learn things in unexpected places.
On Shrove Tuesday I was helping at our Sparklers toddler group, and we were in full pancake mode. Pancakes were coming out of the kitchen; there were pancake crafts for the children to make; pancake games to play; pancake songs to sing; and to finish it all off, a story about Mr Wolf making everyone pancakes.
Mr Wolf decides to make pancakes, but he has a problem. He doesn’t know what to do, and he doesn’t have what he needs. Worse than that, no-one will help him. (Maybe they are just too busy, and not being very kind to him, or perhaps we are supposed to sympathise with all the other characters, who might just be finding excuses not to be in the same place as a wolf with a sizzling frying pan.)
Anyway, he presses on alone, and in the end he produces some absolutely delicious pancakes. At that point it begins to look like party time, and suddenly all the others come creeping back. Could they possibly have some of his delicious pancakes? Might they be able to be friends after all?
The stage is set for a heartwarming moment as the reconciled friends gather together to enjoy the delicious pancakes together. But no: Mr Wolf eats everyone instead.
This amazing twist at the end (which was edited out of story time at Sparklers) made me laugh a lot, but it also made me reflect. We might not be wolves, but we also have ways of reacting when we feel let down.
This month we are heading towards Easter, remembering the last week of Jesus’s life. Though it seems a bit odd to look at everything that has happened so far and notice all the people who let Jesus down, they are there if you look. Did all the 5000+ people Jesus fed stick with him? The ones he healed? What about the many religious leaders who rejected him? The times his best friends got it plain wrong? Heading towards Easter, it only gets more obvious. Some of the same crowd who were welcoming his as King on Sunday were baying for his blood on Friday. His disciples have been with him for three years, and in the space of a week different ones of them argue about which of them is his favourite; show little sign of understanding who he is at all; betray him for money; deny they even know him; and fall asleep when he most needs them.
How will Jesus respond? Will anger and resentment build in him so that he (metaphorically!) eats them all alive? Will he do what we all might if we feel disappointed enough, and take it out on them in some slightly more subtle way?
In a moment that the whole of eternity hinges on, Jesus chooses “No”. On the cross, faced with the rejection of so many, Jesus chooses to pray “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Of course he has in mind the people who put him on the cross; who found him guilty of a crime he didn’t commit; but we can also extend that to include everyone who let him down then, and everyone (including me, first of all) who has let him down since. The wolf’s anger turns on others and devours them, but Jesus carries all of that in himself, on the cross, and offers all of us an extraordinary promise as we come to him: “Today you will be with me in paradise.”
It's understandable to wonder what might happen if we come to Jesus, especially if we feel we aren’t sure about him, or we’ve let him down, or whatever it might be. But there is nothing to be afraid of. It is finished, we are forgiven, and we can be with him in paradise.
Happy Easter, everyone.
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